Friday, September 30, 2011

Pink Out, But No Pink

     It's Senior Night for the varsity football team and the leaders of the student section told the student body to wear pink to school and at the big game; actually it's not a big game in terms of who we play(Carroll), but more to the fact that its the senior players' last home game at Homestead High School.
     The problem is with the Pink out is for one, I do not have a pink shirt.  My failure attempt at thinking salmon was close to pink was a big mistake. Plus, at lunch, the back table is selling breast cancer shirts that are pink but also black shirts to raise money to support the research of breast cancer.  Most of the people I saw bought the black shirts so in the end, the school will look like a "blackout" instead of a Pink-out.  Some people did actually buy the pink shirts so at school and at the game, our student section won't be any "out;" it'll be a mixture of pink and black and it will make Homestead seem unorganized in how their student section supports the football team.  This years painter boys need to do a better job at organizing the student section and getting students to actually participate in the cheers.
     It's not their faults entirely though. Some students of Homestead that go to the games are there just to socialize and not watch the game; therefore, they do not care about the cheers led by the painter boys and the excitement that needs to be presented in order to support the football team.  It's a sad scene at times when the painter boys are the only students performing cheers while the rest of the student body sits around and stares at them like they're idiots.  The painters boys need to find a better way of getting the crowd pumped, but at the same time I feel bad for them because many of the students that stand in the student section don't care about what's going on besides in their little world.

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