Friday, November 11, 2011


Before this class, I never read any book on my own.  I was one of those kids who didn't care for reading and if a didn't have to read a book, I didn't.  The only things I read ranged from only the subtitles on a TV screen to the words in a novel in class.  Nothing in between.  I never read on my own because I didn't have time and I wasn't interested.  If I could pick something to read on my own, the themes would be sports, zombies, and comedies.  I despise those brainwashing love stories.  This semester I read weekly for this class to get my grade.  It was not easy to find books that were interesting to me.  World War Z was the only easy pick because it was entirely about zombies.  Yet, I didn't even stick with that book; I moved on to a sports short stories book and then to a book that my best friend gave me called Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo.  I've been trying to stick to this book because my friend wanted me to read it and I owe many a things to her.  At first I did have trouble meeting the reading quota but after awhile a got a routine in place where it was easier.  I read by myself and I never talked about it to my friends and families because there's not enough time in the day.  I still have trouble finding books to read, but I'm staying on the same themes to help me narrow the choices down.  Who knows what I will read next or if I will even read.  We'll just have to wait and see. 


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