Friday, November 4, 2011

Currently: Week 3 Qtr. 2

Heaven is For Real by Todd Burpo: 50 pages

World War Z by Max Brooks: 115 pages

3 Favorite Sentences of the Week:

- "I was desperate for prayer, desperate that other believers would bang on the gates of heaven and beg for the life of our son."
  •  This kind of reminds of how the movie "Insidious" where the evil spirits are trying to consume the little boys body so they can live again.  This is how a took this sentence; like other spirits are trying to obtaining Colton's physical body to live again.
- "Time dragged, the minutes moving at the speed of glaciers."
  • Well put analogy comparing the minutes to the slow, seemingly forever-like movement of glaciers.
- "The tone of her voice, and the fact that it was a nurse and not Dr. O'Holleran, sent a surge of hope through my body."
  • The parents were relieved that the nurse was coming to talk to them instead of the doctor, because if the doctor had come to talk, that means that something went wrong or they found a diagnosis that was worse than the previous.

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