Friday, August 26, 2011

Favorite Sentences

"Only the strong survive" - Only the Strong Survive.  This sentence is from a biography of legendary basketball player Allen Iverson and this sentence summarizes the entire book.  Iverson had a tough route to the NBA, dealing with drugs, family problems, and friend issues which shaped him into the person he is now.

"I prayed they would not notice the color draining from my face." - World War Z.  This sentence is said by the narrator in the first chapter after the infected young boy broke away from his chains while the doctor was inspecting him and chased them out of the room.  The doctor (narrator) was so terrified yet he didn't want to show it because he is a cocky person and a "man."  That fact that he was so terrified made me laugh.  It was like a annoying self-centered character in a movie finally dying or something of the sort.

"His voice was flat, roboticm as if he had rehearsed this speech or was reading from something" - World War Z.  The narrator called up his best friend that's also a doctor to help him diagnose this young man's infection.  Once he told the doctor his symptoms, the doctor frooze and said the line above like he knew what was going to happen and wha the results were going to be if he didn't do something about it quickly.

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